The World Is Definitely Changing…

I rarely watch reality TV, but there are a few shows that I love and adore.

One of them is So You Think You Can Dance?  I love dancing, and I do not dance nearly enough in my life, in the day, during the week, etc.

The other one is American Idol.  I happen to love singing, and in my life I was in two choirs; my high school choir and a nationally known, Manhttan-based singing group.

Currently on American Idol, Season XIII, one of the contestants is openly Lesbian MK Nobilette.

I was especially excited when MK told the panel of judges (Harry Connick, Jr., Jennifer Lopez, and Keith Urban) that she is openly Gay and that she feels the world is changing, and that because of this, the public may be more receptive to an openly Gay contestant appearing on the show.

As soon as she finished saying that, Jennifer Lopez echoed MK’s words, about the world being in the process of changing , and then informed her that she is going to be one of the top 15 girls.  As of this writing, MK Nobilette is also one of the Top Ten Girls in the competition.

Personally, I wish MK Nobilette the very best, and may the Divine Great Mystery move her forward with success.

Before I close, I wish to acknowledge all of my newest blog followers.  They are: “JoshMcEwan,” “maxglitz,” “glutenfreepsd,” “kate caudillo,” “incomeblogger,” and “Mr. Smith.”  Also, I wish to welcome “gangrel_pri,” “cjohn819,” “writer_mike,” “stormstarterzerozero,” and “ray.”

May all of you and yours receive Divine Radiance, Divine Prosperity and Divine Peace from following “This Gay Man’s Life.”

And for those of you who are already following and reading “This Gay Man’s Life…” thank you for honoring who you are and what you do, and for honoring who I AM and what I do.double venus rainbow flag-500x500

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